
Updates on EHPM in HoA report, Changes in Canada’s NHP regulations, Exploring CoQ10 market in China, and additional updates

Europe: EHPM responds to recent HoA report

The European Federation of Associations of Health Product Manufacturers (EHPM) has addressed concerns raised by a recent report from the Heads of Food Safety Agencies (HoA) in Europe. The report highlighted about 13 ingredients in food supplements, including melatonin, piperine, and curcumin, that were deemed to be high risk.

EHPM outlined their concerns with the report in a guest article, which can be read HERE. They raised issues such as the potential misleading use of Art. 8 of Reg. 1925/2006 procedure, overstepping of Food Safety Agencies’ Remit, a disproportionate approach based on hazard rather than proven risk, and the importance of gathering safety data and post-market surveillance.

North America: The changing regulatory landscape in Canada

Canada has seen significant changes in governmental authority and intervention in the natural products industry in recent years. Health Canada is aiming to align the regulation of Natural Health Products (NHPs) with pharmaceuticals, sparking debate and concern within the industry. To read more about this regulatory shift in Canada, click HERE.

USA: ZBiotics raises $12 million in funding to expand line of GMO probiotics

Biotechnology company ZBiotics announced a $12 million funding round to further research and development around genetically modified probiotics. The company aims to address biological problems arising from contemporary living and meet consumer demand for innovative solutions. Their products focus on issues like sleep, vaginal health, and athletic performance. To learn more about ZBiotics and their products, click HERE.

China: CoQ10 in high demand but gross margin is low, says Kingdomway

Despite reporting a slight decrease in revenue and net profit attributable to shareholders, Kingdomway, the world’s largest producer of CoQ10, highlighted the high demand for the ingredient and finished products. However, they noted that low market prices have affected their gross margins. Revenue from the CoQ10 business was down compared to the previous year, impacting the company’s overall performance. To read more about Kingdomway and their challenges with CoQ10, click HERE.

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