
Lubrizol reveals new magnesium prototype that melts in your mouth

The company stated in a press release that the prototype is a fast-melt powdered stick designed for “on-the-go post-workout convenience” and also aims to reduce common unpleasant side effects associated with magnesium supplementation.

The prototype samples are orosoluble sticks that contain a single dose of 250 mg elemental magnesium, which is the upper limit recommended by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), neatly packed in a small 1.5 g sachet of powder.

Alan Connolly, R&D manager at Lubrizol, explained, “Orosoluble powders that can deliver uniform palatable doses of magnesium require significant expertise to develop successfully. It involves finding the right balance between particle size, solubility, taste, and flowability. Large particle size can result in poor dispersion in the mouth, leading to a gritty, unpleasant texture.”

Mg: importance & market

Consumer demand for magnesium products has increased significantly in recent years, with sales of magnesium supplements growing by 30% over the past two years based on data from SPINS in the U.S.

Brandon Casteel, VP of partnerships at SPINS, shared data at the recent UNPA Members Retreat showing that sales of magnesium supplements in the U.S. mass and natural channels reached US$336 million for the 52 weeks ending June 16, 2024.

Casteel attributed 27% of the growth in sales within the sleep, calmative, and mood supplement subcategories to magnesium supplements due to their various benefits.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) lists magnesium as essential for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including maintaining normal muscle and nerve function, heart rhythm, immune system health, bone strength, blood sugar management, and healthy blood pressure.

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Written by The Muscle Mag

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Lubrizol reveals magnesium prototype that melts in your mouth

Plant-based ingredient meets the need for maintaining cognitive health as we age