
CRN Adopts New Guidelines for Dietary Supplements Sold Online

The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), a trade association representing the dietary supplement and functional food industry, announced new Voluntary Guidelines for Industry to assure online and in-person shoppers have access to the same product information.

“The guidelines address the information that is minimally required for display/availability to consumers on internet platforms for the sale of supplements and functional foods that are maintained and controlled by the manufacturers, or product sales pages for third-party marketplaces where the display is controlled by the producer,” CRN said in a statement.

Compliance is required for all CRN members, but branded, private label, store brands, packagers, distributors, importers and online retailers are also encourage to comply.

The recommendations include product names, ingredient lists, allergens, name and address of producer, storage instructions, FDA disclaimers and dosing instructions, according to the association.

“CRN and its members recognize that consumers planning to purchase a dietary supplement via online platforms should have access to the same information to read, review, compare and make a purchasing decision as if that person was standing in their neighborhood store, able to hold the physical package and read its label,” said Jim Griffiths, PhD, senior vice president, international and regulatory affairs at CRN. “Choosing to purchase these products online should not decrease one’s ability to obtain information to make buying decisions.”

CRN recommends companies comply with the new guidelines by Dec. 31, 2024.

For more information, visit

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