
Can protein bars and powders harm gut health?

The high-protein food trend has gained immense popularity among consumers in recent years, resulting in an influx of high-protein products hitting the market. From high-protein yogurts to high-protein shakes, food and beverage manufacturers have wholeheartedly embraced this trend.

According to a spokesperson from market insight provider Innova Market Insights, “Protein is a major focus for consumers”.

However, the question arises whether the high-protein food trend could potentially be detrimental to another major trend in the market, gut health​?

Are high-protein products damaging to gut health?

In recent years, the market has been flooded with high-protein products to meet the increasing consumer demand. However, some health professionals believe that certain protein foods and beverages, such as protein bars and protein shakes, can be harmful to gut health​. This raises the question, why?

Chris Dubberley, a gut health expert, explains, “Protein bars are convenient but can be harsh on your stomach as they are often packed with isolated fibers and sugars that don’t digest well, fermenting in your gut and causing bloating, gas, or diarrhea. Ingredients like chicory root fiber and maltitol, commonly found in these bars, are known to unsettle sensitive stomachs.”

While protein bars are marketed as energy-boosting snacks for exercise, Dubberley advises consumers to choose their protein bars carefully to avoid digestive issues.

Gut health - protain bar - GettyImages-skynesher

Are protein bars and powders damaging to gut health? GettyImages/skynesher

How is the sugar in some protein bars damaging to gut health?

Sugar consumption has been linked to various health issues, including weight gain and diabetes. ‘Free sugars’, which are sugars added to products rather than naturally occurring, are of particular concern.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that “Free sugars contribute to the overall energy density of diets and can lead to unhealthy weight gain and increased risk of obesity and noncommunicable diseases.”

Furthermore, sugar can have a specific impact on the gut microbiome.

Jack McKenna from the scientific journal publisher MDPI explains, “Sugar consumption can cause changes in the gut microbiota that lead to inflammation and decreased immune-regulatory properties, paving the way for serious health problems.”

Gut health - Protein shake - GettyImages-Kindamorphic

Are protein bars and powders damaging to gut health? GettyImages/Kindamorphic

How is protein powder damaging to gut health?

While the negative effects of ‘free sugars’ are known, protein powders require closer examination due to their varying ingredients.

A spokesperson from Harvard Medical School points out, “Protein powders can contain high amounts of added sugars and calories, which may be harmful to gut health.”

The Gut Health Doctor Clinic spokesperson warns, “Most protein powders, drinks, and bars are ultra-processed with refined protein sources and additives, potentially having a negative impact on the gut.”

Additionally, there are concerns that relying on protein powders for daily protein intake rather than natural foods could be detrimental to gut and overall health.

Chris Dubberley advises, “A varied diet is essential for maintaining a healthy gut flora, and overconsumption of protein powder can disrupt the gut’s microbial balance. Added sugars and flavorings in some protein powders can disturb blood sugar levels and promote harmful bacteria growth in the gut.”

Despite some drawbacks, many protein powders contain beneficial vitamins and minerals such as creatine.

Dubberley explains, “Creatine acts as a protector for gut cells, providing energy to fend off damage, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the gut’s defenses, resulting in a healthier gut and preventing harmful substances from entering the bloodstream.”

What do you think?

Written by The Muscle Mag

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