
SynBalance achieves high ratings as a menopausal vaginal health ingredient

The Italian probiotic manufacturer has combined the bacterial strains L. plantarum-PBS067, L. rhamnosus-LRH020, and B.lactis-BL050, which have demonstrated antimicrobial activity against urogenital infections and bacterial vaginosis, as well as the ability to restore the vaginal microbiota.

Studies have also shown that these strains can enhance the relative abundance of Lactobacillus, reducing inflammation and reversing dysbiosis, which is commonly seen in women’s health conditions like menopause.

The product was chosen by an expert judging panel for its clear market positioning and continuous efforts to support its claims with scientific evidence.

At the awards ceremony in Geneva, Silvia Castegnara, product manager at SynBalance Probiotics, stated, “Winning this award validates the importance of microbiome modulation in women’s health.”

Restoring vaginal microbiota

Menopause leads to a significant decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels, resulting in increased genital symptoms that can be irritating.

Estrogen plays a crucial role in glycogen production, providing nutrients for lactobacilli growth, which helps maintain vaginal homeostasis. A decrease in lactobacilli due to lower estrogen levels can lead to a higher pH in the vagina.

Research by SynBalance has shown that Femme is effective in preventing bacterial vaginosis recurrences, promoting a balanced microbiota, and enhancing beneficial lactobacilli growth.

The probiotics support the formation of a probiotic monolayer and an acidic environment, inhibiting pathogen adhesion and growth with pathogens like G. vaginalis, E. coli, and C. albicans.

SynBalance recognized the importance of addressing menopausal women and conducted a clinical trial showing significant improvements in various parameters with Femme supplementation.

The goal of Femme is to focus on women’s health beyond medication, as antibiotics can disrupt the vaginal ecosystem. Probiotics like Femme can support and replenish the vaginal microbiota, maintaining balance and achieving lasting positive results.

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Written by The Muscle Mag

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