
Vitafoods 2024: Discover the Hottest Trends

Many popular ingredients are aligning themselves with the ‘agelessness’ trend as consumers have greater access to health monitoring and personalization, according to Morgan.


New collagen innovations were showcased, with Gelita introducing PeptEndure for enhanced endurance performance, and Rousselot announcing their Nextida collagen peptide compositions.

“Collagen is at the forefront with different types being discussed,” noted Morgan.

He emphasized collagen’s importance for active nutrition and beauty, both linked to aging well or ‘agelessness’. The concept of ‘agelessness’ resonates more than terms like ‘anti-aging’ or ‘healthy aging’, reflecting consumer desires for self-improvement.

“Agelessness is a great principle for promoting collagen,” he added.

On IFF’s stand, the ‘Free to Age Your Way’ campaign showcased solutions for age-related health issues without traditional ‘anti-aging’ messaging.


Magnesium remains on-trend due to its versatility, despite its long-standing presence in the market.

“Magnesium continues to be exciting when positioned well,” said Morgan.

Alongside its known sports recovery benefits, magnesium for sleep was highlighted, with Lubrizol presenting Magshape for muscle relaxation and sleep support.


Brands are diversifying format offerings, prioritizing ingredient quality and quantity, according to Morgan.

“Consumers are paying for proven benefits, making clarity in communication essential,” he explained.

Gummies were a popular format, with Sirio focusing on women’s health and reporting significant sales growth.

Kerry Group showcased tasty gummies with science-backed ingredients, addressing consumer needs.

Gummies offer an experiential and fun format but must maintain quality, warned Morgan.


Metabolic health was a key focus, driven by wearables and tracking apps.

“Continuous glucose monitoring combined with nutrition variables is gaining attention,” said Morgan, highlighting the trend towards personalization.

What do you think?

Written by The Muscle Mag

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