
Probiotics could potentially increase estrogen levels and offer support during menopause

A probiotic formula containing L. brevis KABP052 was found to maintain estrogen levels over time, while estrogen levels significantly decreased in women receiving the placebo, according to findings from an exploratory, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial published in the Journal of Medicinal Food.

Jordi Riera, Chief Business Development Manager at Kaneka Probiotics, discussed the new findings at the recent IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas in Salt Lake City, telling attendees that the study explores the effects of precision probiotics on hormone balance and menopause, making it the first product to show these effects in a clinical trial.

“The estrogen levels of subjects who took this probiotic formula were maintained within the normal range of healthy, young adult premenopausal women, according to the criteria of the clinical inspection organization,” wrote the researchers, led by Kaneka’s Dr. Shinichi Honda.

“This result supports the safety of the supplementation using the current dosage and period of intervention. This is the first time, to our knowledge, that a probiotic blend has been demonstrated to maintain serum estrogens levels in peri- and postmenopausal women.”


Menopause is a natural transition that affects 20% of the world’s population at any given time. Most women undergo menopause between 45 and 55, and this is preceded by perimenopause, during which estrogen secretion from the ovaries decreases. Perimenopause can last several years.

Despite such a huge population, women looking for support with perimenopause, then menopause, and eventually postmenopausal have been a “massively underserved” by many CPG brands. According to GenM’s first Invisibility Report, 87% of mid-life women felt overlooked by brands, while 97% felt brands should cater more to the menopause.

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Written by The Muscle Mag

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