
Protein Rebel Introduces Seawater Magnesium Supplement Specifically for Runners

The UK-based company developed Power Up to assist with muscle recovery, increase energy levels, and improve sleep in order to enhance the rest and recovery of runners between training sessions.

According to Tim Boote, co-founder of Protein Rebel, magnesium is often deficient in the diets of individuals with an active lifestyle.

Studies indicate that 60% of the adult population​ does not meet the recommended daily intake of magnesium, with runners being at a higher risk of deficiency due to the mineral loss through sweat.

Recovery product

Protein Rebel formulated its product based on the UK’s RDI of magnesium: 300 mg a day for men (19 to 64 years) and 270 mg a day for women (19 to 64 years).

Boote mentioned that the brand sources magnesium from seawater due to its higher absorption rate by the body and rich concentration of trace minerals for overall health support.

He highlighted that seawater-derived magnesium is also considered more sustainable compared to land-based sources, aligning with the brand’s sustainability commitment.

Magnesium needs to be combined with another molecule for absorption, resulting in different compounds like magnesium citrate, chloride, and oxide.

There are various types of magnesium compounds, each with different levels of magnesium and bioavailability, with magnesium oxide having high magnesium content but low bioavailability.

The magnesium in Protein Rebel’s product is combined with citric acid to form magnesium citrate, known for its high bioavailability.

Magnesium for runners

The product aims to alleviate muscle cramps, reduce fatigue, and improve sleep quality, especially for endurance athletes like runners.

Boote stated that runners require electrolytes, including magnesium, for hydration and to prevent fatigue, dizziness, and muscle spasms.

While sodium intake is usually managed, magnesium intake is often overlooked, despite its benefits in recovery, reducing cramps, and enhancing sleep for runners.

Research suggests increasing magnesium intake for individuals engaging in intense exercise, with magnesium supplementation showing potential to reduce muscle soreness and provide protection against muscle damage.

On trend​ 

Magnesium remains a trending mineral in the market due to its versatility and various health benefits, such as sports recovery, improved sleep, and calmness.

A market research report highlighted magnesium supplements as a leading trend due to their wide-ranging benefits, with consumers showing interest in different forms of magnesium for targeted benefits.

The ongoing trend of magnesium supplementation is supported by consumer education and the mineral’s well-established reputation.

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Written by The Muscle Mag

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Protein Rebel introduces new seawater magnesium supplement for runners

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