
AB-Biotics shines a light on probiotic blend’s capacity to balance hormones during menopause

Dr. Marta Pérez, the firm’s R&D manager, presented during a session titled “Understanding Menopause” which showcased the results of AB-Biotics’ latest study validating their blend’s ability to support a healthy microbiome during this life stage.

She discussed how menopause is characterized by the decline in estrogen hormones, crucial for various bodily functions such as metabolism, muscle development, bone health, and skin hydration. Additionally, menopausal women exhibit lower gut microbiome diversity compared to those in perimenopause.

This prompted AB-Biotics to investigate the menopausal estrobolome, a collection of gut bacteria capable of metabolizing and modulating the body’s estrogen levels, to identify beneficial strains for this life stage.

Following the development of a blend containing three patented strains – L. plantarum KABP 051, L. brevis KABP 052, and P. acidilactici KABP 021, a randomized controlled trial was conducted to assess its impact on estrogen decline during menopause.

Dr. Pérez disclosed that the trial involved 100 peri and post-menopausal women in Japan, with half receiving the probiotic formula and the other half a placebo over a span of 12 weeks. Serum estrogen levels were monitored, and fecal samples analyzed before and after the intervention.

“In the group receiving the placebo, estrogen levels decreased significantly over time,” she stated. “Conversely, those in the probiotic group maintained stable estrogen levels throughout.”

Despite no notable changes observed in fecal bacteria, Dr. Pérez suggested that the effects were likely occurring in the upper GI tract.

She highlighted this as the first instance of a probiotic regulating hormones, emphasizing that symptoms were not evaluated in this study to focus on establishing the mechanism of action.

Future research will delve into the effectiveness of the supplement on European menopausal women experiencing severe symptoms.

The Gyntima women’s health portfolio includes Gyntima Cyscare with L. plantarum KABP 062 and 063, cranberry extract, vitamin C, and D-Mannose for UTI protection; Gyntima Balance with a confidential probiotic strain under patent protection, biotin, selenium, zinc, and vitamin D for vaginal health and immunity; and Gyntima Fertility with a confidential strain, folic acid, vitamin D3, and selenium for vaginal microbiota balance.


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Written by The Muscle Mag

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