
goMCT® – Better Source, Better Carrier.


goMCT® (medium-chain triglycerides) is a healthy fat that converts to a unique source of energy called ketones. Ketones are a clean alternative energy source for the brain and body. goMCT®may also help with weight management. 


goMCT® optimizes ketone production, a less oxidative energy source. It fuels the body with healthy fats for natural and sustained energy without the “crash” later. It also contains acacia fiber, a prebiotic that aids in gut health. Together, MCT and acacia fiber help optimize the gut-brain axis. goMCT®contains pure C8 and C10 MCT’s, the most effective in converting to ketones. Primarily used as a powder in keto products, functional foods (i.e bars) and in combinations such as collagen or coffee, the possibilities are limitless.


goMCT® is for anyone interested in weight management, increased energy, and overall well-being. goMCT® enhances ketone production, helping consumers feel more alert, aware and focused.

  • Energy
  • Focus
  • Satiety
  • Cognition
  • Bloating/Digestion
  • Taste/Texture
  • Wellness


MCT Creamr MCT Powder MCT Wellness Pure Steel goMCT Ketostax 

C8/C10 MCT Oil

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